Initiative to Realize
Decarbonized Society

In recent years, natural disasters have
become more severe and more common,
and climate change is occurring
on a global scale.
The Paris Agreement, an international
framework for action against climate change,
has accelerated international movement,
and it has become increasingly important
for companies
to contribute to the sustainable
growth of society through their business.
Based on the philosophy
of the Mitsui Fudosan "" logo,
our Group has achieved corporate growth
by enriching people's lives
and constantly creating new value through
the creation of neighborhoods
that meets the needs of the era
and coexists with society in harmony.
Under our "" principle,
we have also been proactively addressing
climate change for some time.
In December 2020, our Group's greenhouse gas
emission reduction targets for FY2030 and
FY2050 were announced;
however, we have this time raised
the reduction target for FY2030 even higher,
and formulated Action Plans as comprehensive
and specific strategies to achieve the targets.

Mitsui Fudosan Group's New Targets

40% reduction
in Group’s GHG
emissions by FY2030
(vs. FY2019)
Net Zero by FY2050
* SCOPE 1 + SCOPE 2: 46.2%
reduction by FY2030 (vs. FY2019)
Former targets: 30% reduction by FY2030
(vs. FY2019), Net Zero by FY2050

Action Plan


Improve environmental
performance of new and
existing properties
Improve environmental performance of new and existing properties
New properties
Realize ZEB/ZEH level environmental performance
Existing properties
We will improve energy efficiency through strategic renovation of properties and actively promote the creation of on site renewable energy.

Action Plan


Greening of electricity in common areas of properties and areas used by the company
Greening of electricity in common areas of properties and areas used by the company
By FY2030, achieve greening of power consumption in common areas of properties owned and areas used by the Group nationwide

Action Plan


Provide Green Menu to tenants and buyers
Provide Green Menu to tenants and buyers
Support tenant companies and buyers in their efforts
to decarbonize by proposing Green Menu

Action Plan


Secure stable renewable energy sources
Secure stable renewable energy sources
In addition to the existing mega solar project (80 million kWh/year), aim to develop mega solar power plants with a total power generation capacity of 300 million kWh/year **(Total output: Approx. 175,000 kW) by FY2030. (Total: 380 million kWh/
Power generation equivalent to our own power use in the Tokyo metropolitan area at present (equivalent to the use of approx. 30 buildings in the common area of Tokyo Midtown Hibiya)

Action Plan


Initiatives to reduce CO₂ emissions during construction
Initiatives to reduce CO₂ emissions during construction
In addition to the development of tools to accurately grasp CO₂ emissions during construction, require submission of a reduction plan by construction companies, etc. Promote reduction of CO₂ emissions in the entire supply chain
Other Key Initiatives
Utilization of forests
Actively utilize owned forests for high rise wooden buildings and houses.
Realize self sufficiency in building materials and a sustainable virtuous cycle between forest resources and the local economy
Acquisition of external certifications
we will actively acquire external certifications in Japan and overseas to promote ESG, including decarbonization.
Open innovation
Aim to contribute to the decarbonization of society as a whole through joint research with academia and construction companies, and by actively investing in venture companies and providing them with opportunities for demonstration tests.
The creation of Neighborhoods initiatives
Utilizing new technologies and open innovation, such as the Smart Energy Project in Nihonbashi, Toyosu, and Yaesu, and Kashiwanoha AEMS, aim to realize the creation of neighborhood s that promotes decarbonization not only of facilities owned but also of the entire area.
Introduction of Internal Carbon Pricing (ICP) System
Introduce ICP for In-house Placement of Value on CO₂ Emissions and System to Promote Initiatives for Decarbonization
Improvement of internal systems
Establish Sustainability Promotion Dept. as an overall function of Action Plans “Each business HQ, division, and Group company” will collaborate with the Environment &aamp; Energy Service Dept., engaged in company wide energy management, and all other divisions to promote decarbonization initiatives.